Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cut Throat Editing!

Time to do some last minute editing. It's like writing a college paper of life, cram it all in and hope it looks decent. As stated in my blog posting right below, I have not lost 10 pounds. Shocker I know. It's amazing to me that in our minds, we really want something to happen. Whether it is losing weight, changing jobs that you hate, buying the dreaded new car, or getting out of a dead end relationship. Now, my something in that list is just losing the weight, but the point of the others is that we know that we need to do something but actually doing the something is freaking hard to do. It takes commitment. That of which I do not have for my weight. Maybe in my case it is more of a number than how I feel. Yes, eating less crap is always best for you, but on the whole I am not overweight. But just because I may seem smaller than the rest of the nation, does not mean I can give in and say "well, I guess I look okay." I was truly wanting to lose the weight before I got pregnant again. I got horrible heartburn carrying Olivia, and I know that when I have extra weight on me, I get it again. Ces 'la vie, it's a bit of fat and I can half check it off my list. Four pounds down, is four less on me.

So what else am I editing, the tattoo. In my mind, again back to commitment, I thought I wanted it. I have the idea of what I want, even where to place it, but haven't felt the NEED to get it. I guess that is the biggest reason for getting one. Needing and wanting it. And it is just like buying new clothes. If I don't really want it or need it, I will not buy it. Because what happens to that little old shirt, if I do buy it, it doesn't get worn, ever. So Mr. Tattoo, you are being edited. Maybe off the list forever, or maybe one day the thought of getting one will pique my interest strongly and off to the parlor I go.

What else, Alissa. Volunteering and Life Insurance is still on the list, but probably won't get done in time for the 3-0. Why not, I did not MAKE the time for them. I will poke along and get them done, I promise. I promise. I promise. (that is me saying that to my list!)

The stay the night in the fancy hotel is on! Well a week after I have my birthday. Ron has set up for us to go to the Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay. We are going on a Thursday, Friday to skip the crowd and pretend it is our home away from home. I am excited and he said he has a few tricks of the trade, so we shall see!!!!!

And the dreaded final number 10!!!!! Oh you Facebook. Do you lace your page with crack? I think you do!! Why is it in the last five months, I have so many business pages that I "like"? They are helpful and I find things I would have probably not found on the Internet without having the "like" page on FB. So for now, MethFBcrackleberry, you stay, and Blogger, you will get more lovin' from these fingers.

I have made peace with these challenges and this rough road of life to thirty. It definitely has given me something fun to do. Oh and the novel.... Pride and Prejudice is almost read through. I will have final thoughts the day after St. Patty's Day, maybe something magical will happen to me.

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